
Is Heroes Cancelled?

DVDSetCollection.com / 2010-05-14
The cheerleader may be past saving.
The cheerleader may not have been saved after all.New York Magazine is reporting that NBC will almost certainly be cancelling Heroes, and that Season 4 was probably the last for the one-time hit series.As New York Magazine notes, this is actually somewhat surprising because many believed NBC was going to bring the series back for a 13-episode final season. Even though the ratings had dropped dramatically in the past couple of years, for the ratings-starved NBC, Heroes still represented a series with a core fanbase of about five million -- and a potential midseason show, to plug in if needed next year.But in an effort to rebuild, NBC has been very aggressive with their new series, already officially picking up five shows before next week's upfronts, when all the networks announce their fall schedule. There are some high profile projects on NBC's new schedule, including series from J.J. Abrams (Undercovers) and Jerry Bruckheimer (Chase). New York Magazine says NBC sees a lot of potential with these series -- more than they do with another season of Heroes.
However, New York Magazine also says the network is mulling over possibly ordering a Heroes TV-Movie (possibly a two-night, four hour event) that would properly wrap up the series. Of course, as they also note, the show could still get a last minute save -- recalling how everyone was sure Dollhouse was dead this time last year, until FOX shocked the industry by renewing it right before upfronts.
Next article:Spartacus: Blood and Sand Prequel ConfirmedPrevious article:Chuck and V Both Renewed

Spartacus: Blood and Sand Prequel Confirmed

DVDSetCollection.com / 2010-05-14
With Season 2 delayed, fans will learn more about the backstory of two integral characters.
While fans will have to wait a bit longer for Season 2 of Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Starz is planning a way to keep fans satiated in the interim, confirming rumors of a prequel series that will star Lucy Lawless ("Lucretia") and John Hannah ("Batiatus").Spartacus star Andy Whitfield's fight against Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma led to a delay in production on Season 2, but pre-production is now underway for a summer start to the prequel. Whitfield will apparently appear briefly – since Spartacus doesn't even meet Batiatus or Lucretia until the start of the series, we can only assume his appearance will be via a framing device, perhaps taking place after the events of Season 1.
The as yet untitled prequel series will be six episodes long, set to debut in January 2011. Other returning cast members include Peter Mensah (Doctore), Manu Bennett (Crixus), Antonio Te Maioha (Barca), Nick E. Tarabay (Ashur) and Lesley-Ann Brandt (Naevia).
Next article:Transformers 3: The Twins Are Not BackPrevious article:Is Heroes Cancelled?

Transformers 3: The Twins Are Not Back

DVDSetCollection.com / 2010-05-14
Production is underway on Michael Bay’s Transformers 3 and some unexciting updates have hit the internet from TFLAMB, who reported yesterday that someone saw the Twins from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen during shooting. The Twins of course, were the controversial stereotype robots hand-created by Bay for inclusion in the movie and were some of the worst characters ever seen on screen, ever. It wasn’t the racial controversy that bothered me so much as it was how bad their dialogue was and how much they factored into the movie.Michael Bay quickly clarified the matter today with an update on his site which simply stated, “The Twins are not back in TF3.” That’s one piece of good news, but I’m curious if they simply will pretend they didn’t exist or give them a cameo and kill them off. The way they’ve (mis)treated characters so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s no explanation given but we’re better off without them regardless.On a brighter note, there are also some photos that surfaced showing off three of our main Autobot friends; Optimus Prime, Iron Hide and Ratchet.
The most recent updates regarding Transformers 3 were centered on new members being added to the cast, with the likes of Patrick Dempsey, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich and Ken Jeong all joining the franchise. But what about the characters from the first two movies, the Cybertronian ones? Let’s take a look at some familiar faces.Optimus and the Iron Hide vehicles (you can see two in the image) are no different than what we know them to look like from the first two films, but Ratchet appears to have gotten a bit of a repaint or at least looks different from the side. Click to Enlarge:
Also, here’s a quick 30 second video from folks in LA who were right near the set during the filming of a scene where they flip a little car.
Our own Paul Young pointed out that the camera rig being used to shoot this sequence is not the right setup for shooting in 3D, with only one camera being used. That means either Transformers 3 is not coming in 3D or worse, it’s getting the fake 3D tacked in in post through a rushed conversion. The last we heard from Michael Bay on the subject, from back in march, is that the “jury is still out” on 3D.I wonder if Ratchet will get to speak in the next movie…What are you desiring and expecting from Transformers 3?Transformers3 hits theaters July 1, 2011.
Previous article:Spartacus: Blood and Sand Prequel Confirmed


Buffy Swan Refuses to Suck

As I was watching the new Eclipse trailer, out of sheer boredom and a hint of curiosity, I found myself wondering why in the world two super-powered boys would fight it out over a girl clad in American Apparel who’s a hell of a downer.
How is there an entire film series devoted to one girl’s delusional obsessions of a fairy tale ending with a born-again killer? Sparkely vampires want to kill you, strapping werewolf shape-shifters want to keep you safe.
Do these Edward fans have a death wish and a yearning for abandonment? Is Bella Swan so heavily marketed as mesmerizing that it erases the history of the brazen blonde that came before her?
A long time ago, otherwise known as the 90’s, there was a series called Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds where a feisty girl from the southland slayed Urban Outfitted demons. This legendary show paved the way for multi-tasking girls who cheer by day, slay by night, and every once in a while hook-up with a tormented blood sucker.

Ironically, a woman writer crafted Bella to be a weak, whiney girl while a man, Joss Whedon, created Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd box set to be a strong, focused woman not to be messed with. So as the Eclipse trailer faded, I wondered, what if Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds took the place of Bella?
At the beginning of the film New Moon, Bella is dumped by Edward and barely says a word. Let’s start there. At the very least, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd set would question why Edward was leaving and point out he has a bird‘s nest in his hair.
After some heated discussion and a bit of PG-13 worthy between the sheets action, she says adios. Instead of sitting in the same Lazy-boy recliner for seasons on end, drained like a bottle of Jack on a Saturday night, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds Swan goes to school, hangs with friends, works-out, and trolls the happening streets of Forks for deadly vampires preying on young girls and boat owners.
When confronted by a Bob Marley lovin’ vamp she pulls out her stake and fights for her life beside her hunky and hairy BFF. Granted her stake wouldn’t do too much good, but knowing her, she’d have Willow whip up a potion that would do the trick.
The discovery that Jacob has a wolf demon of sorts inside of him causes some major conflicts for the demon-killing cheap Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds Swan. She begrudgingly lets him live under the reasoning that the enemy of my enemy is my friend and heavy distraction by his bronzed, ripped hotness . The next night, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds and her new sidekick Jacob dispatch vampy Victoria during her routine patrol.
No slouch in the homework department, Giles provides her with research that the snobby Volturi vamps still exist and have been feeding off innocent, oblivious humans for centuries. Incensed and blinded to anything but the mission of saving the world, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds gathers her troops, including the wolf pack, and heads to the Volturi’s secret Vatican headquarters.
While focusing on a detailed briefing by Giles on her Virgin Atlantic flight, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds misses the drunk dial from Edward. Unemployed and friendless, the mentally unbalanced Edward decides it’s a perfect time for a roman holiday and books a flight. As Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds was already well on her way there, she arrives with minutes to spare.
On colliding coincidentally with Edward, throws a shirt on him and loudly says (so onlookers can hear) that the Gay Pride parade isn’t until next week. The bystanders merely glance and go back to munching on their biscotti. Edward tries to persuade her not to go through with it, but Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds, with an eye of the tiger, goes ahead undeterred.
She and her team veer the humans from their direct line into the Volturi’s den of death. Disguised as hapless tourists, the Scooby Squad meander in and fake a photo-op. As the vampires descend, they unleash their blow torches, wolf forms, magic dust, grenades, and crossbows and an epic battle ensues.
After minutes of edge-of-your-seat, 300-esque action, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds and her Scooby Squad exit as victors. Sure, there might be one or two werewolves dead, but they were demons anyways (according to Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds). All in all the world would be saved and human tourists would live to stand in another hours-long line to catch a glimpse of Mona Lisa’s smile.
Outside the Vatican, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds finds a hidden Edward lurking in the shadows and they share a heated kiss. Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd then breaks it off with Edward, realizing their relationship would never work. Buffy The Vampire Slayer travels back to foggy Forks in first class style a little misty-eyed, but hell bent on ridding the world of evil.
Unlike the faux-feminist, weepy Bella Swan, Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd Summers is truly an independent, career-minded woman who has a well-rounded life. Just because one part of Cheap Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd’s life falls apart, doesn’t mean it’s the end of her world.
I recommend the mini-van driving moms lusting over Edward rent a few DVDs of Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd set for their suicidal teenage daughters if only to save money on Ambien and guarantee a high school diploma. Although, a truly devoted teenage girl would probably skip college altogether in favor of spending their days in a lazy-boy dreaming of lush meadows.
Hmmm, college sure is expensive these days… maybe Stephenie Meyer is just a recessionista at heart.

Cold Case Files: The Most Infamous Cases

I'm not exactly sure when my interest in serial killers began, but I do remember being quite the happy high school graduate when one of the presents I opened at my graduation party was a book about Ed Gein. There was a time, near the beginning of my college education, that I was a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology with my sights set on being a Forensic Psychologist. I can easily remember having to tell everyone on my floor (at our first dorm meeting upon arrival to college) something interesting about myself, and deciding that naming as many serial killers (and their basic stories) as I could name in the span of five minutes would be a warm welcome for the rest of the dorm. I think I ended that speech with "I'm not crazy. I'm just very interested." The shocked faces and open mouths prompted me to throw in this little caveat: "You can check out all the serial killer books in my room if you want."

Needless to say, COLD CASE dvd Files: The Most Infamous Cases is right up my alley. The A&E show deals mostly with serial killers and homicide cases that went unsolved for so long that they became "cold," or were basically put on the back burner until some new bit of evidence would prompt the investigators to open the case back up. Often times, the introduction of a new technology (e.g. DNA evidence) brings a whole new perspective to these cases. And often times, it is this new technology that ends up being the determining factor in apprehending a suspect (after all those years) and proving that suspect's guilt. It is this fascinating lapse in time that makes COLD CASE dvd Files such an interesting show. The fact that no one could find the evidence and make the connections to bring these killers to justice for so long makes it all the more miraculous when the investigators finally do track the suspects down.

While not providing complete "seasons" of COLD CASE dvd Files, A&E has rather opted to spread this DVD release over two discs and provide "The Most Infamous Cases." Although I wouldn't completely agree with these ten particular cases being "The Most Infamous," I will say that A&E has chosen a very good batch of stories for this release. Four of the ten episodes are of the 45-minute variety, while the rest clock in at 26-minutes, and it is these four longer episodes that are the best of the bunch. At their longer runtimes, the four longer episodes give their stories a little bit more room to breathe, and Bill Kurtis and his crew seem to dig just a little deeper in these tales. Most people are familiar with the stories of "The Green River Killer" and "The Zodiac Killer," but these two episodes are about as in-depth as you could possibly get with these cases. They detail just about every little nuance of the stories (and some that even I had never heard before seeing these episodes). This is when the show is at its very best; by bringing new light to a subject that people have been hearing about for years and years. "Killer in the County" and "Kidnapped," however, are not to be dismissed as they use their 45-minutes to fully detail stories of homicide that most people have never before heard.

The longer episodes are clearly the most detailed and intricate, but that doesn't discount the value of the shorter episodes. Some tales simply don't require as much time to tell, and many of the shorter episodes on this DVD are just as interesting as the longer ones. "Weepy-Voiced Killer" is an excellent profile of a man that just couldn't bring himself to stop killing, and instead, basically begged the police to catch him. "Frozen in Time" starts as a story about a missing women and a stolen Ryder truck, and ends up with a body found frozen in a freezer in that very truck. And "A Map to Murder" shows how the police find a killer by locating the computer he used to print a map off an internet site. Not every episode, however, is just as great. "Love Triangle," for instance, ends up being a bit clichéd and simply not interesting enough to warrant inclusion as a "Most Infamous Case."

Nevertheless, Host (and Producer) Bill Kurtis is at his most charismatic as he provides the narration for every episode of Cold case seasons dvd Files. He even shows up on screen to introduce a few of the more grisly tales. COLD CASE dvd seasons Files is proof-positive that it is not only Kurtis's instantly-recognizable voice that makes him a valuable asset to A&E, but it is also his depth of knowledge and dedicated interest in his subject. The ten cases on this DVD release are varied and intriguing enough to warrant at least a few repeat viewings. Especially if you're a true-crime fanatic who just can't get enough of your serial killer fix.


Charlie Sheen’s woes may shorten ‘Two and a Half Men’ season

LOS ANGELES — Charlie Sheen’s legal and personal problems may end up shortening the season for "Two and a Half Men."

Sheen, who pleaded not guilty in a Colorado court Monday on charges connected to a domestic violence incident involving his wife, is due back at work Tuesday on the set of the No. 1-ranked sitcom. But he’ll be able to complete only four more episodes this season, which will leave the show two episodes short of the 24 that CBS ordered, according to a source familiar with the situation.

For the two missing weeks, CBS will likely replace "Men" with "Big Bang Theory," another sitcom produced by Chuck Lorre. (At 9:30 p.m. ET/PT Mondays, the usual slot for "Theory," the network might slot reruns of either show.) The move suggests that "Theory," which has been gaining in the ratings, may serve as the network’s new 9 p.m. anchor comedy if — as now seems likely — "Men" continues to be hampered by production delays and work stoppages. Production was recently halted on the show when Sheen suddenly entered rehab, what his publicist described as a "preventative measure."

Charlie Sheen’s woes may shorten ‘Two and a Half Men’ season

LOS ANGELES — Charlie Sheen’s legal and personal problems may end up shortening the season for "Two and a Half Men."

Sheen, who pleaded not guilty in a Colorado court Monday on charges connected to a domestic violence incident involving his wife, is due back at work Tuesday on the set of the No. 1-ranked sitcom. But he’ll be able to complete only four more episodes this season, which will leave the show two episodes short of the 24 that CBS ordered, according to a source familiar with the situation.

For the two missing weeks, CBS will likely replace "Men" with "Big Bang Theory," another sitcom produced by Chuck Lorre. (At 9:30 p.m. ET/PT Mondays, the usual slot for "Theory," the network might slot reruns of either show.) The move suggests that "Theory," which has been gaining in the ratings, may serve as the network’s new 9 p.m. anchor comedy if — as now seems likely — "Men" continues to be hampered by production delays and work stoppages. Production was recently halted on the show when Sheen suddenly entered rehab, what his publicist described as a "preventative measure."